The Complete
Wellness Lineup

Transform Your Health With A Plant-Based Regimen

Introducing a more natural and effective way to improve your overall wellness. Say hello to Regimen plant-based supplements containing cannabinoids!

All of Regimen’s products are crafted with total wellness in mind. Whether you’re looking to drift off to sleep or jump start your day, Regimen leans on the incredible powers of plants to create all natural blends that bring balance.

About The Regimen Products

Regimen was developed to serve as a core set of daily use tablets and capsules that can be mixed and matched allowing you to personalize your daily regimen. You can combine servings, double-up, snap tablets in half and even add a D9-THC booster tablet to find your zen.

All of Regimen’s plant-based supplements contain cannabinoids, vitamins, minerals, botanical and hemp extracts to create a first-of-its-kind, completely personalized daily wellness regimen.

Only you know what you need day-to-day. Regimen helps you feel your best by providing tools that can help reduce stress, increase energy, boost whole body wellness and help you drift to sleep easier than ever before.

Build your own Regimen each day and say hello to the new you.

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Regimen (THC-Free)

Regimen products are our line of wellness products created for daily use with the intention of helping build the best “you”. These products are created with Satival CBD, CBG, and CBN powders along with other natural ingredients to ensure a consistent effect with no potential for THC. These products are ideal for those hesitant to try THC but still love the helpful powers of other cannabinoids.

Regimen +THC

Regimen +THC products are evolutions of the Regimen products, but rather than Satival CBD, CBN and CBG powders we use full spectrum cannabinoid oil. This means that we use the cannabinoid oil pulled directly from the plant with little processing. The benefits of using full spectrum oil in our products is it gives the benefits of CBD, CBG, CBN, and THC as well as the benefits of countless other cannabinoids that are found in the plant in small quantities. These products contain less than .3% THC and tend to be even more effective than other products due to the synergistic effects of full spectrum oil.

Now Which Should You Choose?

Both Regimen and Regimen +THC products are custom formulated to deliver the highest impact to your wellness journey.

Regimen products are perfect for someone that’s hesitant to try THC but is ready for the calming powers of CBD, CBG or CBN. They’re also perfect for people that have to avoid THC due to job requirements.

Regimen +THC products are perfect for someone that’s looking to bring their wellness journey to the next step. From our research and experience the benefits of full spectrum cannabinoid oils are noticeable and we highly recommend it to anyone that’s open to small levels of THC. The combination of multiple cannabinoids tends to be more impactful than any one cannabinoid alone.

Still have questions? Get in touch!

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